2pac outlawz As the world Turn

投稿者: Auther | 3 年, 2 ヶ月 前 | 0 のコメント

As the world turns—
əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz—
As the world turns my niggas grow and grow and grow
əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz maɪ niggas groʊ ənd groʊ ənd groʊ
And get dough and roll and ride
ənd gɛt doʊ ənd roʊl ənd raɪd
Niggas die and mommas cry
Niggas daɪ ənd ˈmɑməz kraɪ
Niggas got alibis and suicides and homicides
Niggas gɑt ˈæləˌbaɪz ənd ˈsuəˌsaɪdz ənd ˈhɑməˌsaɪdz
And three strikes and yo' life and my life and times change
ənd θri straɪks ənd joʊ laɪf ənd maɪ laɪf ənd taɪmz ʧeɪnʤ
And niggas fame, as the world turns—
ənd niggas feɪm, əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz—
Though I walk through the valley of Hell the shadow follows me
ðoʊ aɪ wɔk θru ðə ˈvæli əv hɛl ðə ˈʃæˌdoʊ ˈfɑloʊz mi
Wisdom hard to swallow tomorrow, expect apologies
ˈwɪzdəm hɑrd tə ˈswɑloʊ təˈmɑˌroʊ, ɪkˈspɛkt əˈpɑləʤiz
You probably panic, stranded in search of a better planet
jʊ ˈprɑbəbli ˈpænɪk, ˈstrændəd ɪn sɜrʧ əv ə ˈbɛtər ˈplænət
Realism hard to understand, we stand slanted
ˈriəlɪzm hɑrd tʊ ˌʌndərˈstænd, wi stænd ˈslæntəd
And still stranded, merciless thieves stole the best of me
ənd stɪl ˈstrændəd, ˈmɜrsələs θivz stoʊl ðə bɛst əv mi
I pray to black Jesus to please take the rest of me
aɪ preɪ tə blæk ˈʤizəs tə pliz teɪk ðə rɛst əv mi
And still, the best of us build and reach monetary gains
ənd stɪl, ðə bɛst əv əs bɪld ənd riʧ ˈmɑnəˌtɛri geɪnz
Some of us kill, but still, most of us can change
səm əv əs kɪl, bət stɪl, moʊst əv əs kən ʧeɪnʤ
If we search deeper
ɪf wi sɜrʧ ˈdipər
God bless the hustler, curse the first sleeper
gɑd blɛs ðə ˈhʌsələr, kɜrs ðə fɜrst ˈslipər
Enemies get beside me, flows go deep as Poseidon
ˈɛnəmiz gɛt bɪˈsaɪd mi, floʊz goʊ dip əz pəˈsaɪdən
When we ride, plots keep all my enemies blinded
wɛn wi raɪd, plɑts kip ɔl maɪ ˈɛnəmiz ˈblaɪndɪd
Time will soon show, a thought can last for years
taɪm wɪl sun ʃoʊ, ə θɔt kən læst fər jɪrz
Outshinin' your fake smiles, plastic tears
ˈaʊˌʧaɪnɪn jər feɪk smaɪlz, ˈplæstɪk tɛrz
Like last year, niggas stuck in the past, and it's clear
laɪk læst jɪr, niggas stʌk ɪn ðə pæst, ənd ɪts klɪr
Just some busta ass bastards allergic to cash this year
ʤəst səm ˈbʌstə æs ˈbæstərdz əˈlɜrʤɪk tə kæʃ ðɪs jɪr
Makaveli for the mob, M.O.B
Makaveli fər ðə mɑb, ɛm.oʊ.bi
Killin' busters is my motherfuckin' job, him or me
ˈkɪlɪn ˈbʌstərz ɪz maɪ motherfuckin' ʤɑb, ɪm ɔr mi
Lyrically fatally driven, niggas reported missin'
ˈlɪrɪkli ˈfeɪtəli ˈdrɪvən, niggas ˌriˈpɔrtəd ˈmɪsɪn
My competition dead or in prison, as the world turns
maɪ ˌkɑmpəˈtɪʃən dɛd ɔr ɪn ˈprɪzən, əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz
As the world keeps turnin' round and round
əz ðə wɜrld kips ˈtɜrnɪn raʊnd ənd raʊnd
It's gon' be goin' round as the world turns, and steady turnin'
ɪts gon' bi ˈgoʊən raʊnd əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz, ənd ˈstɛdi ˈtɜrnɪn
(Turns, turns, turns, turns and turns
(tɜrnz, tɜrnz, tɜrnz, tɜrnz ənd tɜrnz
My niggas grow and grow and grow
maɪ niggas groʊ ənd groʊ ənd groʊ
And gettin' dough and dough and dough
ənd ˈgɪtən doʊ ənd doʊ ənd doʊ
From this state to that state
frəm ðɪs steɪt tə ðət steɪt
From this cell to that cell, as the world turns)
frəm ðɪs sɛl tə ðət sɛl, əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz)
As the world turn, burnin' paths, starin' through my rearview
əz ðə wɜrld tɜrn, ˈbɜrnɪn pæðz, ˈstærɪn θru maɪ ˈrɪrvju
It's a war goin' on, and the president is here too
ɪts ə wɔr ˈgoʊən ɑn, ənd ðə ˈprɛzəˌdɛnt əz hir tu
I hear 2Pac sayin', "Watch 'em, they'll kill you"
aɪ hir 2pæk ˈseɪɪn, "wɑʧ ɛm, ðeɪl kɪl ju"
Sippin Thug Passion, scrub actin' like he feel you
Sippin θʌg ˈpæʃən, skrʌb ˈæktən laɪk hi fil ju
Steady plottin', ready or not; Outlawz lost but not forgotten
ˈstɛdi ˈplɑtɪn, ˈrɛdi ɔr nɑt; Outlawz lɔst bət nɑt fərˈgɑtən
From Gittere to Compton, a spitter of the hotness
frəm Gittere tə ˈkɑmptən, ə ˈspɪtər əv ðə ˈhɑtnəs
Long time next, since like six I ain't never been rich
lɔŋ taɪm nɛkst, sɪns laɪk sɪks aɪ eɪnt ˈnɛvər bɪn rɪʧ
I need cream to buy Ellene a dream house
aɪ nid krim tə baɪ ˈɛˌlin ə drim haʊs
She no longer fiend out y'all, Outlaw!
ʃi noʊ ˈlɔŋgər find aʊt jɔl, ˈaʊtˌlɔ!
Another lonely nigga with a 12-gauge pump, with a 12-hour rush to run and get this money, fuck these punks!
əˈnʌðər ˈloʊnli nigga wɪð eɪ 12-geɪʤ pʌmp, wɪð eɪ 12-ˈaʊər rʌʃ tə rʌn ənd gɛt ðɪs ˈmʌni, fʌk ðiz pʌŋks!
Road rules, I swim in the dirt, I stay in some skirt
roʊd rulz, aɪ swɪm ɪn ðə dɜrt, aɪ steɪ ɪn səm skɜrt
I hit where it hurts, I ride or die for my turf
aɪ hɪt wɛr ɪt hɜrts, aɪ raɪd ɔr daɪ fər maɪ tɜrf
I ride or die for Makaveli, the legendary war thug nigga
aɪ raɪd ɔr daɪ fər Makaveli, ðə ˈlɛʤənˌdɛri wɔr θʌg nigga
Kadafi better unslug this nigga, Seike betta undrug this nigga
Kadafi ˈbɛtər ʌnˈslʌg ðɪs nigga, Seike ˈbɛtə ʌnˈdrʌg ðɪs nigga
Out of the buildin', we street children with no souls
aʊt əv ðə ˈbɪldɪn, wi strit ˈʧɪldrən wɪð noʊ soʊlz
Our hearts gon' stay cold, the war gon' stay on
ˈaʊər hɑrts gon' steɪ koʊld, ðə wɔr gon' steɪ ɑn
We serve 'em, like 'Pac told us to, catch 'em wreck with the TEC
wi sɜrv ɛm, laɪk pæk toʊld əs tʊ, kæʧ ɛm rɛk wɪð ðə tɛk
Hit 'em in the neck and watch him die like he supposed to
hɪt ɛm ɪn ðə nɛk ənd wɑʧ ɪm daɪ laɪk hi səˈpoʊzd tʊ
Napoleon: the front line soldier, front times over
nəˈpoʊliən: ðə frʌnt laɪn ˈsoʊlʤər, frʌnt taɪmz ˈoʊvər
Rider for the mighty dollar, rather drunk than sober
ˈraɪdər fər ðə ˈmaɪti ˈdɑlər, ˈræðər drʌŋk ðən ˈsoʊbər
Nigga talkin' thug walkin' all through yo' squad
Nigga ˈtɔkɪn θʌg ˈwɔkɪn ɔl θru joʊ skwɑd
Y'all niggas scared by a dog, I got my 44 for y'all
jɔl niggas skɛrd baɪ ə dɔg, aɪ gɑt maɪ 44 fər jɔl
It's like a hot-heated day, homie
ɪts laɪk ə hɑt-ˈhitəd deɪ, homie
Warfare, don't play, homie, better be prepared
ˈwɔrˌfɛr, doʊnt pleɪ, homie, ˈbɛtər bi priˈpɛrd
Then try to duck away from these strays, homie
ðɛn traɪ tə dʌk əˈweɪ frəm ðiz streɪz, homie
Worlds turn, things burn, all in one shot,
wɜrldz tɜrn, θɪŋz bɜrn, ɔl ɪn wʌn ʃɑt,
rest in peace to the fallen soldiers, all that we got, as the world turns—
rɛst ɪn pis tə ðə ˈfɑlən ˈsoʊlʤərz, ɔl ðət wi gɑt, əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz—
As the world keeps turnin' round and round
əz ðə wɜrld kips ˈtɜrnɪn raʊnd ənd raʊnd
(And my niggas roll and ride, hahaha)
(ənd maɪ niggas roʊl ənd raɪd, hahaha)
It's gon' be goin' round as the world turns— and steady turnin'
ɪts gon' bi ˈgoʊən raʊnd əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz— ənd ˈstɛdi ˈtɜrnɪn
(Niggas gettin' swoll out, and it don't stop and it don't quit
(Niggas ˈgɪtən swoll aʊt, ənd ɪt doʊnt stɑp ənd ɪt doʊnt kwɪt
That real shit!) (real shit)
ðæt riəl ʃɪt!) (riəl ʃɪt)
As the world keeps turnin' round and round
əz ðə wɜrld kips ˈtɜrnɪn raʊnd ənd raʊnd
(How many you niggas try for this? )
(haʊ ˈmɛni jʊ niggas traɪ fər ðɪs? )
It's gon' be goin' round as the world turns (as the world turns)
ɪts gon' bi ˈgoʊən raʊnd əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz (əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz)
(Murderin' methods— haha, OUTLAW!)
(ˈmɜrdərɪn ˈmɛθədz— haha, ˈaʊtˌlɔ!)
Only haters caught feelings when my homie caught millions
ˈoʊnli ˈheɪtərz kɑt ˈfilɪŋz wɛn maɪ homie kɑt ˈmɪljənz
And acquired the desired status of boss livin'
ənd əˈkwaɪərd ðə dɪˈzaɪərd ˈstætəs əv bɑs ˈlɪvɪn
We cross driven, cornered into a life that's hellish
wi krɔs ˈdrɪvən, ˈkɔrnərd ˈɪntə ə laɪf ðæts ˈhɛlɪʃ
Payin' our dues with bloodshed, ain't shit y'all could tell us
ˈpeɪɪn ˈaʊər duz wɪð ˈblʌdˌʃɛd, eɪnt ʃɪt jɔl kəd tɛl ʌs
Fellas – mount up, it's time for battle, it's on now
ˈfɛləs – maʊnt ʌp, ɪts taɪm fər ˈbætəl, ɪts ɑn naʊ
Two worlds collidin', armies ridin', soldiers gone wild
tu wɜrldz kəˈlaɪdɪn, ˈɑrmiz ˈraɪdɪn, ˈsoʊlʤərz gɔn waɪld
Sometimes I think my glory days was back in my youth
səmˈtaɪmz aɪ θɪŋk maɪ ˈglɔri deɪz wəz bæk ɪn maɪ juθ
I sought too for family, but I got it lost in these ounces
aɪ sɔt tu fər ˈfæməli, bət aɪ gɑt ɪt lɔst ɪn ðiz ˈaʊnsəz
Now, as the world turns court adjourns, I'm sentenced to burn
naʊ, əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz kɔrt əˈʤɜrnz, aɪm ˈsɛntənst tə bɜrn
The cost of my sins too much, nothin' left to earn
ðə kɑst əv maɪ sɪnz tu mʌʧ, ˈnʌθɪn lɛft tʊ ɜrn
October 9th 1977 first day out my baby carriage
ɑkˈtoʊbər 9ˈtiˈeɪʧ 1977 fɜrst deɪ aʊt maɪ ˈbeɪbi ˈkærɪʤ
Married my MAC-11 hit the block playin'
ˈmɛrid maɪ mæk-11 hɪt ðə blɑk ˈpleɪɪn
Only five years up in this bitch, papa runnin' from the feds
ˈoʊnli faɪv jɪrz ʌp ɪn ðɪs bɪʧ, ˈpɑpə ˈrʌnɪn frəm ðə fɛdz
Puttin' peanut butter on the walls to hide his prints
ˈpʌtɪn ˈpinət ˈbʌtər ɑn ðə wɔlz tə haɪd ɪz prɪnts
Me on my own, not yet grown, but only man of the home
mi ɑn maɪ oʊn, nɑt jɛt groʊn, bət ˈoʊnli mæn əv ðə hoʊm
To protect my zone in these streets I roam
tə prəˈtɛkt maɪ zoʊn ɪn ðiz strits aɪ roʊm
Dough on d-low, downin' straight shots of Cristal Brothers
doʊ ɑn di-loʊ, ˈdaʊnɪn streɪt ʃɑts əv ˈkrɪstəl ˈbrʌðərz
100 dollar snot box on cee-lo, fuck eighth
100 ˈdɑlər snɔt bɑks ɑn cee-loʊ, fʌk eɪtθ
I need a kilo, got a plot, move my block down state
aɪ nid ə ˈkɪˌloʊ, gɑt ə plɑt, muv maɪ blɑk daʊn steɪt
Got the drop on the spot, movin' pounds of weight
gɑt ðə drɑp ɑn ðə spɑt, ˈmuvɪn paʊndz əv weɪt
Fuck my fate and lots of loot to burn, a hustler's yearn
fʌk maɪ feɪt ənd lɑts əv lut tə bɜrn, ə ˈhʌsələrz jɜrn
For this dirty money earned as this crooked world turns
fər ðɪs ˈdɜrti ˈmʌni ɜrnd əz ðɪs krʊkt wɜrld tɜrnz
As the world keeps turnin' round and round
əz ðə wɜrld kips ˈtɜrnɪn raʊnd ənd raʊnd
It's gon' be goin' round as the world turns— and steady turnin'
ɪts gon' bi ˈgoʊən raʊnd əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz— ənd ˈstɛdi ˈtɜrnɪn
As the world keeps turnin' round and round
əz ðə wɜrld kips ˈtɜrnɪn raʊnd ənd raʊnd
It's gon' be goin' round as the world turns—
ɪts gon' bi ˈgoʊən raʊnd əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz—
As the world keeps turnin' round and round
əz ðə wɜrld kips ˈtɜrnɪn raʊnd ənd raʊnd
It's gon' be goin' round as the world turns—
ɪts gon' bi ˈgoʊən raʊnd əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz—
As the world keeps turnin' round and round
əz ðə wɜrld kips ˈtɜrnɪn raʊnd ənd raʊnd
It's gon' be goin' round as the world turns— and steady turnin'
ɪts gon' bi ˈgoʊən raʊnd əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz— ənd ˈstɛdi ˈtɜrnɪn
As the world keeps turnin' round and round
əz ðə wɜrld kips ˈtɜrnɪn raʊnd ənd raʊnd
As the world keeps turnin' round and round
əz ðə wɜrld kips ˈtɜrnɪn raʊnd ənd raʊnd
As the world keeps turnin' round and round
əz ðə wɜrld kips ˈtɜrnɪn raʊnd ənd raʊnd
Hahaha— as the world turns—
Hahaha— əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz—
And turns and turns and turns— haha
ənd tɜrnz ənd tɜrnz ənd tɜrnz— haha
This for the soldiers out there involved in the everyday struggle
ðɪs fər ðə ˈsoʊlʤərz aʊt ðɛr ɪnˈvɑlvd ɪn ði ˈɛvriˈdeɪ ˈstrʌgəl
Hopin' to bubble, keep on hustlin', as the world turns
ˈhoʊpɪn tə ˈbʌbəl, kip ɑn ˈhʌsəlɪn, əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz
Money come and go, hoes come and go, foes come and go, friends come and go— my soldiers stay eternal
ˈmʌni kʌm ənd goʊ, hoʊz kʌm ənd goʊ, foʊz kʌm ənd goʊ, frɛndz kʌm ənd goʊ— maɪ ˈsoʊlʤərz steɪ ɪˈtɜrnəl
Outlaw Immortalz, dedicated
ˈaʊtˌlɔ Immortalz, ˈdɛdəkeɪtəd
I send this to black Jesus, only he can feed us
aɪ sɛnd ðɪs tə blæk ˈʤizəs, ˈoʊnli hi kən fid ʌs
When you need us, as the world turns
wɛn jʊ nid ʌs, əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz
Throw this shit in the deck, hahah
θroʊ ðɪs ʃɪt ɪn ðə dɛk, hahah
Niggas gettin chin checked
Niggas gettin ʧɪn ʧɛkt
From the East to the West, best to wear a vest
frəm ði ist tə ðə wɛst, bɛst tə wɛr ə vɛst
Nigga we ain't the ones to test, fuck you!
Nigga wi eɪnt ðə wʌnz tə tɛst, fʌk ju!
As the world turns— Outlaw ridahs, Mutah right beside us
əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz— ˈaʊtˌlɔ ridahs, Mutah raɪt bɪˈsaɪd ʌs
Kamillion, wanna make a million
Kamillion, ˈwɑnə meɪk ə ˈmɪljən
Haha legit, as the world turns, haha— burn, baby, burn
Haha ˈlɛʤɪt, əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz, haha— bɜrn, ˈbeɪbi, bɜrn
(A lot of niggas get burned as the world turns
(ə lɑt əv niggas gɛt bɜrnd əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz
A lot of niggas gettin' burned as the world turns
ə lɑt əv niggas ˈgɪtən bɜrnd əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz
Gettin' burned as the world turns)
ˈgɪtən bɜrnd əz ðə wɜrld tɜrnz)










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