Benefits of running from brain function perspective.

投稿者: Auther | 1 年, 7 ヶ月 前 |

I run every day for my health.

I wonder how many seniors run every day for their health.
The number of seniors who run is increasing, and running at a slow pace is a good method to start running as a habit. Some research suggests that people who run regularly have lower stress levels and a lower incidence of dementia. Not only that reasons, running is good for you from a brain science perspective.The exhilarating feeling known as the 'runner's high' is produced by the release of endorphins, phenethylamines and other brain chemicals.In addition to these effects, running also stimulates the brain's circuitry.

Why business owners like running?

In particular, recent neuroscience research has shown that the activity of the 'default mode network' is activated when the brain is idling.The default mode network is thought to start working when the brain is 'in a daze', so to speak, rather than working on a specific task, and is thought to function to organise memories and regulate emotions.In simple terms, it refers to a state similar to idling in a car. For example, have you ever had the experience of remembering something or being inspired by an idea when you are in a daze?It is thought that when the human brain is not doing anything, the default mode network is activated and the brain performs maintenance and organises information.

However, even when we say that we are doing nothing, if we completely shut off our thoughts and actions, the brain will feel anxious and certain parts of the brain will start to become active. In other words, in order for the default mode network to work, a moderate amount of "noise" is necessary, and running plays the role of noise.Many business executives and active workers have made running a habit, not only for their health and stress relief, but also because they know that the brain benefits are huge.

I myself run 10 km a day when time permits, and this has become an integral part of my brain maintenance. I feel that it is only by running that I am able to get through my busy day to day life without stress.This is because the Default Mode Network, a circuit that starts working when the brain is 'in a daze' so to speak, rather than working on a specific task, is thought to have the ability to organise memories and regulate emotions.

Walking can also be effective.

We are usually constantly exposed to large amounts of information through computers and smartphones, which leaves many memories unorganised in the brain. When you are running, you cannot look at your phone or do any work, which results in creating an empty state of mind. This has the effect of not only organising memories, but also relieving stress. So why not make running a habit for seniors to keep their brains active? The default mode network starts working after 15 minutes of leisurely running, so it shouldn't be too strenuous. If running is too strenuous, then walking for half an hour is fine.Walking is also known as 'walking zazen' and has been shown to activate the Default Mode Network in the same way as running.

I recommend 'running on traveling'.
Travel run is running on a (business) trip. It can of course help relieve stress and activate the default mode network mentioned earlier.A travel run is a good way to get some fresh information, as you will be running in a landscape you have never seen before. This is the noise mentioned earlier.

Many seniors like to travel, but even if they visit tourist attractions by car or public transport alone, they will only be impressed by the "dots", but if they drive on their own feet, they can connect the attractions of the area with the "lines". If you drive on your own, you can connect the attractions of a place with "lines".I often travel for work, and I always try to run wherever I go. I have run in over 200 places in the country and abroad.

There is so much to love about a travel run through unfamiliar places. One of them is the chance to encounter 'serendipity' (good fortune brought about by unexpected coincidences). These can be people, shops, animals, scenery or local culture. It is in these encounters that you can make unexpected discoveries and learn things.  In order to encounter such serendipity, when I do a travel run, I don't look at a map and plan in detail where to run beforehand, but rather I decide on a route to a certain extent, run it, and then change the course as I please, for example, "This is not what I planned, but the scenery is better this way, so let's run this way". I sometimes get lost on the trails.

Sometimes I would get lost in the paths. When this happened, I would explore the area and find a nice restaurant that I could not find in any guidebook or on the internet, and when I tried it, I sometimes hit the jackpot.  This kind of serendipity is hard to find if you just get around by car or bicycle. This is because it is only at the speed of running that you can pick up local attractions that you might otherwise overlook.

The appeal of a travel run is that there are no fixed routes, no rigid rules and no rules that are too rigid and freewheeling, so there are 10 different travel runs for every 10 people.  Of course, from a brain science perspective, the answer I have drawn from my own experience is that travel runs have many benefits, both physical and mental.

One of the physical benefits is that, unlike treadmills or training runs with no change of scenery, a travel run can be enjoyable, so you will feel less tired and less physically stressed.  One of the mental aspects that can be expected is that you can become 'mindless'.  On a travel run, you can enjoy unusual scenery, nature and tourist attractions while running, and it is an environment where you can easily release your daily stress. The brain releases a variety of substances during a relaxing, mindless run.

First of all, brain substances such as endorphins, which provide a sense of elation and happiness, and phenethylamine, which has psychotropic effects, are produced.  Furthermore, if you do a journey run in the morning hours, the sun's rays make it easier to produce serotonin, which is responsible for the feeling of well-being. Of course, dopamine is also released as running gives you a pleasant sensation.

For seniors who love to travel, why not put into practice a travel run, which kills two birds with one stone: enjoy the journey and get a healthy brain at the same time.
