洋楽で発音練習② 発音記号付き

投稿者: Auther | 3 年, 8 ヶ月 前 | 0 のコメント


When your legs don't work like they used to before
/wen jɔ: legz dən wɜ:k laɪk ðeɪ ju:st tə bɪfɔ:/
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
/ænd aɪ kɑ:n swi:p ju: ɒf əv jɔ: fi:t/
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
/wɪl jɔ: maʊθ stɪl rəmembə ðə teɪst əv maɪ lʌv/
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
/wɪl jə ʔaɪz stɪl smaɪl frəm jə tʃi:ks/
And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
/n dɑ:lɪŋ ʔaɪ wɪl bi: lʌvɪn ju: tɪl wɪə sevənti:/
And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
/n beɪbi: maɪ hɑ:D kəd stɪl fɔ:l æz hɑ:D ət twenɪ θri:/
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
/n aɪm θɪŋkɪŋ baʊt haʊ pi:pəl fɔ:l ɪn lʌv ɪn məstɪərɪəs weɪz/ 
Maybe just the touch of a hand
/meɪbɪ dʒʌs ðə tʌtʃ ɒv ə hæn/
Well, me— I fall in love with you every single day
/oʊ mi: aɪ fɔ:l ɪn lʌv wɪð ju: evri: sɪŋgəl deɪ/
And I just wanna tell you I am
/ən ʔaɪ dʒʌs wɒnə tel ju: aɪ æm/
So, honey, now
/səʊ hʌni: naʊ/
Take me into your loving arms
/teɪk mi: ɪntə jə lʌvɪn ɑ:mz/
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
/kɪs mi: ʌndə ðə laɪD əv ə θaʊzən stɑ:z/
Place your head on my beating heart
/pleɪs jə hed ən mɑ: bi:Dɪŋ hɑ:d/
I'm thinking out loud
/ʔm θɪŋkɪn aʊt laʊd/
Maybe we found love right where we are
/meɪbi: wi: faʊnd lʌv raɪʔ weə wi: ʔɑ:/
When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades
/wen maɪ heəz ɔ:l bəʔ gɒn æn maɪ memərɪ feɪdz/
And the crowds don't remember my name
/æn ðə kraʊdz doʊn rəmembə maɪ neɪm/
When my hands don't play the strings the same way
/wen maɪ hændz doʊn pleɪ ðə strɪŋz ðə seɪm weɪ   mmm/
I know you will still love me the same
/aɪ noʊ ju: wɪl stɪl lʌv mi: ðə seɪm/
Cause, honey, your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen
/kɒz hʌnɪ jɔ: soʊl kəd nevə groʊ ʔoʊld ɪts evəgri:n/
And, baby,your smile's forever in my mind and memory
/beɪbi: jɔ: smaɪlz fəʔevər ɪn ma maɪnd ən meməri:/
I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
/ʔaɪm θɪŋkɪŋ baʊt haʊ pi:pəl fɔ:l ɪn lʌv ɪn məstɪərɪəs weɪz/ 
Maybe it's all part of a plan
/ʔmeɪbi: ɪts ɔ:l pɑ:D əv ə plæn/
Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
/ʔɒ ʔaɪl dʒəs ki:p ɒn meɪkɪŋ ðə seɪm mɪsteɪks/
Hoping that you'll understand
/hoʊpɪŋ ðætʃu:l ʌndəstæn/
That, baby, now
/bət beɪbi: naʊ/
Take me into your loving arms
/teɪk mi: ɪntə jə lʌvɪn ɑ:mz/
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
/kɪs mi: ʌndə ðə laɪD əv ə θaʊzənd stɑ:z/
Place your head on my beating heart
/pleɪs jə hed ən ma bi:Dɪŋ hɑ:d/
Thinking out loud
/ʔəm θɪŋkɪn aʊt laʊd/
Maybe we found love right where we are
/ðəʔ meɪbi: wi: faʊnd lʌv raɪʔ weə wi: ʔɑ:   ʔəəʊ/
la la la...
So, baby, now
/səʊ beɪbi: naʊ/
Take me into your loving arms
/teɪk mi: ɪntə jə lʌvɪn ɑ:mz/
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars Oh, daring,
/kɪs mi: ʌndə ðə laɪD əv ə θaʊzənd stɑ:z   ʔɒʊ dɑ:lɪŋ/
place your head on my beating heart
/pleɪs jə hed ən ma bi:Dɪŋ hɑ:d/
Thinking out loud
/ʔəm θɪŋkɪn aʊt laʊd/
Maybe we found love right where we are
/ðəʔ meɪbi: wi: faʊnd lʌv raɪʔ weə wi: ʔɑ:/
Oh, baby, we found love right where we are
/ɒ beɪbi: wi: faʊnd lʌv raɪʔ weə wi: ʔɑ:/
And we found love right where we are
/ən wi: faʊnd lʌv raɪʔ weə wi: ɑ:/










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