洋楽で発音練習③ 発音記号付き

投稿者: Auther | 3 年, 11 ヶ月 前 | 0 のコメント

Took a ride To the end of the line
/tʊk ə raɪd tə ðɪ end əv ðə laɪn/
Where no one ever goes
/weə nəʊwʌn evə gəʊz/
Ended up on a broken train With nobody I know
/endɪd ʌp ɒn ə brəʊkən treɪn wɪð nəʊbɒdɪ aɪ nəʊ/
But the pain
/bʌt ðə peɪn
And the longing’s the same when you’re dying
æn ðə lɒŋɪŋz ðə seɪm wen jɔ: daɪɪŋ/
Now I’m lost
/naʊ aɪm lɒst
And I’m screaming for help on my own
ænd aɪm scri:mɪŋ fə help ələʊn/
Relax, take it easy
/rɪlæks, teɪk ɪt i:zɪ/
For there is nothing that we can do
/fɔ: ðeər ɪz nʌθɪŋ ðæt wi: kən du:/
Relax, take it easy
/rɪlæks, teɪk ɪt i:zɪ/
Blame it on me or blame it on you
/bleɪm ɪt ɒn mi: ɔ: bleɪm ɪt ɒn ju:/
It’s as if I’m scared
/ɪts əz ɪf aɪm skeəd/
It’s as if I’m terrified
/ɪts əz ɪf aɪm terɪfaɪd/
It’s as if I’m scared
/ɪts əz ɪf aɪm skeəd/
It’s as if we’re playing with fire
/ɪts əz ɪf aɪm pleɪɪŋ wɪð fɑ:/
/ɪts əz ɪf aɪm terɪfaɪd/
/ɑ: ju: skeəd/
/ɑ: wi: pleɪɪŋ wɪð fɑ:/
Oh, there is an answer to the darkest times
/ðeər ɪz ən ænsə tu: ðə dɑ:kɪst taɪmz/
It’s clear, we don’t understand it
/ɪts klɪə wi: dəʊn ʌndestænd ɪt/
But the last thing on my mind
/bʌt ðə læst θɪŋ ɒn maɪ maɪnd/
Is to leave you
/ɪz tə li:v ju:/
I believe that we’re in this together
/aɪ bəli:v ðæt wɪər ɪn ðɪs təgeðə/
Don’t scream
/dəʊn skri:m, ðeər ɑ: səʊ menɪ rəʊdz left/
Relax, take it easy
/rɪlæks, teɪk ɪt i:zɪ/
For there is nothing that we can do
/fɔ: ðeər ɪz nʌθɪŋ ðæt wi: kən du:/
Relax, take it easy
/rɪlæks, teɪk ɪt i:zɪ/
Blame it on me or blame it on you
/bleɪm ɪt ɒn mi: ɔ: bleɪm ɪt ɒn ju:/
Relax, take it easy
/rɪlæks, teɪk ɪt i:zɪ/
For there is nothing that we can do
/fɔ: ðeər ɪz nʌθɪŋ ðæt wi: kən du:/
Relax, take it easy
/rɪlæks, teɪk ɪt i:zɪ/
Blame it on me or blame it on you
/bleɪm ɪt ɒn mi: ɔ: bleɪm ɪt ɒn ju:/
Relax, take it easy
/rɪlæks, teɪk ɪt i:zɪ/
For there is nothing that we can do
/fɔ: ðeər ɪz nʌθɪŋ ðæt wi: kən du:/
Relax, take it easy
/rɪlæks, teɪk ɪt i:zɪ/
Blame it on me or blame it on you
/bleɪm ɪt ɒn mi: ɔ: bleɪm ɪt ɒn ju:/
Relax, take it easy
/rɪlæks, teɪk ɪt i:zɪ/
For there is nothing that we can do
/fɔ: ðeər ɪz nʌθɪŋ ðæt wi: kən du:/
Relax, take it easy
/rɪlæks, teɪk ɪt i:zɪ/
Blame it on me or blame it on you
/bleɪm ɪt ɒn mi: ɔ: bleɪm ɪt ɒn ju:/
It’s as if I’m scared
/ɪts əz ɪf aɪm skeəd/
It’s as if I’m terrified
/ɪts əz ɪf aɪm terɪfaɪd/
It’s as if I’m scared
/ɪts əz ɪf aɪm skeəd/
It’s as if we’re playing with fire
/ɪts əz ɪf aɪm pleɪɪŋ wɪð fɑ:/
/rɪlæks/   /skeəd/
/ɪts əz ɪf aɪm terɪfaɪd/
/ɑ: ju: skeəd/
/ɑ: wi: pleɪɪŋ wɪð fɑ:/










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