Latitude (Nujabes Remix) 発音記号

投稿者: Auther | 3 年, 8 ヶ月 前 | 0 のコメント

What side you on, you want alive? It's right here
wʌt saɪd ju ɑn, ju wɑnt əˈlaɪv? ɪts raɪt hir
Don't look any further while your vision is clear
doʊnt lʊk ˈɛni ˈfɜrðər waɪl jʊər ˈvɪʒən ɪz klɪr
A lotta fog in the mist trying to throw you a curve
ə ˈlɑtə fɑg ɪn ðə mɪst ˈtraɪɪŋ tu θroʊ ju ə kɜrv
All these rappin' thugs getting on my last damn nerve
ɔl ðiz ˈræpɪn θʌgz ˈgɛtɪŋ ɑn maɪ læst dæm nɜrv
You eat the same piece of cake day in and day out
ju it ðə seɪm pis ʌv keɪk deɪ ɪn ænd deɪ aʊt
That tired ass flavor gets played out (no doubt)
ðæt ˈtaɪərd æs ˈfleɪvər gɛts pleɪd aʊt (noʊ daʊt)
You say that tag along warning to a rhyme for the rest
ju seɪ ðæt tæg əˈlɔŋ ˈwɔrnɪŋ tu ə raɪm fɔr ðə rɛst
When we rock all the people say "yessuh"
wɛn wi rɑk ɔl ðə ˈpipəl seɪ "yessuh"
We fresher than alla these miggy-figgy-niggies on the mic
wi ˈfrɛʃər ðæn ˈɑlə ðiz miggy-figgy-niggies ɑn ðə mɪk
The scratch, you know the wicky-wicky words to match
ðə skræʧ, ju noʊ ðə wicky-wicky wɜrdz tu mæʧ
You still playing catch-up, fall far behind the line
ju stɪl ˈpleɪɪŋ kæʧ-ʌp, fɔl fɑr bɪˈhaɪnd ðə laɪn
Trying to cut, but you wasting your time please, come on dude
ˈtraɪɪŋ tu kʌt, bʌt ju ˈweɪstɪŋ jʊər taɪm pliz, kʌm ɑn dud
We the Five Deez, superior rhyme steez, don't have our own style
wi ðə faɪv Deez, suˈpɪriər raɪm steez, doʊnt hæv ˈaʊər oʊn staɪl
We got styles plural, you still caught up in yesterday
wi gɑt staɪlz ˈplʊrəl, ju stɪl kɑt ʌp ɪn ˈjɛstərˌdeɪ
Steppin and fetching, getting swept away
Steppin ænd ˈfɛʧɪŋ, ˈgɛtɪŋ swɛpt əˈweɪ
Futuristic black holding mics like soldiers hold weapons
ˌfjuʧəˈrɪstɪk blæk ˈhoʊldɪŋ mɪks laɪk ˈsoʊlʤərz hoʊld ˈwɛpənz
On the attack I'm reppin', Cincinnati's finest, no question (give me five)
ɑn ði əˈtæk aɪm ˈrɛpɪn, ˌsɪnsɪˈnætiz ˈfaɪnəst, noʊ ˈkwɛsʧən (gɪv mi faɪv)
Now you say Queens City
naʊ ju seɪ kwinz ˈsɪti
Throw your hands up in the sky
θroʊ jʊər hændz ʌp ɪn ðə skaɪ
Wave around from side to side
weɪv əˈraʊnd frʌm saɪd tu saɪd
We about to get fly
wi əˈbaʊt tu gɛt flaɪ
Roll my Glock over on a sucker who's locomotive
roʊl maɪ glɑk ˈoʊvər ɑn ə ˈsʌkər huz ˌloʊkəˈmoʊtɪv
I'm moving in like the ocean, devotion within my rhymes
aɪm ˈmuvɪŋ ɪn laɪk ði ˈoʊʃən, dɪˈvoʊʃən wɪˈðɪn maɪ raɪmz
Same year, last time committed crimes like a felon
seɪm jɪr, læst taɪm kəˈmɪtəd kraɪmz laɪk ə ˈfɛlən
Three fifty-seven lyrics can bust you up like melons
θri ˈfɪfti-ˈsɛvən ˈlɪrɪks kæn bʌst ju ʌp laɪk ˈmɛlənz
They ending when I'm dealing at five hundred decibels
ðeɪ ˈɛndɪŋ wɛn aɪm ˈdilɪŋ æt faɪv ˈhʌndrəd ˈdɛsəbəlz
I'm yelling "Five Deez" tellin cities and countries before me (say what?)
aɪm ˈjɛlɪŋ "faɪv Deez" tellin ˈsɪtiz ænd ˈkʌntriz bɪˈfɔr mi (seɪ wʌt?)
I'm lucky, these other cats bore me, cold and plastic
aɪm ˈlʌki, ðiz ˈʌðər kæts bɔr mi, koʊld ænd ˈplæstɪk
I turn the crowd into elastic, I'm stretching them to the left
aɪ tɜrn ðə kraʊd ˈɪntu ɪˈlæstɪk, aɪm ˈstrɛʧɪŋ ðɛm tu ðə lɛft
And get pulled to the right
ænd gɛt pʊld tu ðə raɪt
Like a periscope, seeing over normal eyesight
laɪk ə ˈpɛrəˌskoʊp, ˈsiɪŋ ˈoʊvər ˈnɔrməl ˈaɪˌsaɪt
I rock all night, so you can roll through the day
aɪ rɑk ɔl naɪt, soʊ ju kæn roʊl θru ðə deɪ
Feelin the rhythm to hear my rhymes in delay
Feelin ðə ˈrɪðəm tu hir maɪ raɪmz ɪn dɪˈleɪ
I give em what is needed while you just form what they want
aɪ gɪv ɛm wʌt ɪz ˈnidəd waɪl ju ʤʌst fɔrm wʌt ðeɪ wɑnt
Who gonna get jumped, chump? Crunk brothas
hu ˈgɑnə gɛt ʤʌmpt, ʧʌmp? krʌŋk brothas
Bounce to my jams like blubber, we doing it for lovers
baʊns tu maɪ ʤæmz laɪk ˈblʌbər, wi ˈduɪŋ ɪt fɔr ˈlʌvərz
While you suckled with the haters, on the crossfader
waɪl ju ˈsʌkəld wɪð ðə ˈheɪtərz, ɑn ðə crossfader
And you say Queens city
ænd ju seɪ kwinz ˈsɪti
Hey, you can call me on your mobile phone
heɪ, ju kæn kɔl mi ɑn jʊər ˈmoʊbəl foʊn
Or grab a pen and a sheet of paper and write a letter at your home
ɔr græb ə pɛn ænd ə ʃit ʌv ˈpeɪpər ænd raɪt ə ˈlɛtər æt jʊər hoʊm
You can download my music off an internet site
ju kæn ˈdaʊnˌloʊd maɪ ˈmjuzɪk ɔf ən ˈɪntərˌnɛt saɪt
Or you could be mixtapin' it, we'll still be creatin' it
ɔr ju kʊd bi mixtapin' ɪt, wil stɪl bi kriˈeɪtɪn ɪt
You could have a compact disc, with vinyl gratin' it
ju kʊd hæv ə ˈkɑmpækt dɪsk, wɪð ˈvaɪnəl ˈgreɪtɪn ɪt
Vibrations, be still, and keep the vibe waitin'
vaɪˈbreɪʃənz, bi stɪl, ænd kip ðə vaɪb ˈweɪtɪn
A watcher or a reader, a loner or a leader
ə ˈwɑʧər ɔr ə ˈridər, ə ˈloʊnər ɔr ə ˈlidər
You could be the one that make the party cold or make it heat up
ju kʊd bi ðə wʌn ðæt meɪk ðə ˈpɑrti koʊld ɔr meɪk ɪt hit ʌp
Make the beats heat up
meɪk ðə bits hit ʌp
Bust slow to my motion, from the highest mountain to the bottom of the ocean
bʌst sloʊ tu maɪ ˈmoʊʃən, frʌm ðə ˈhaɪəst ˈmaʊntən tu ðə ˈbɑtəm ʌv ði ˈoʊʃən
You want it? Final attack, get attacked on DAT
ju wɑnt ɪt? ˈfaɪnəl əˈtæk, gɛt əˈtækt ɑn dæt
Cause and effect, it's because we wreck
kɑz ænd ɪˈfɛkt, ɪts bɪˈkɔz wi rɛk
There's no flaws to detect
ðɛrz noʊ flɔz tu dɪˈtɛkt
So don't pause the deck
soʊ doʊnt pɔz ðə dɛk
Local or international, took galactic respect
ˈloʊkəl ɔr ˌɪntərˈnæʃənəl, tʊk gəˈlæktɪk rɪˈspɛkt
You could fall from the pressure
ju kʊd fɔl frʌm ðə ˈprɛʃər
Or could you take the weight
ɔr kʊd ju teɪk ðə weɪt
And rhythmic break
ænd ˈrɪðmɪk breɪk
And you say Queens city
ænd ju seɪ kwinz ˈsɪti










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