2pac life goes on 発音記号でマスター

投稿者: Auther | 3 年, 5 ヶ月 前 | 0 のコメント

How many brothas fell victim to the streets
haʊ ˈmɛni brothas fɛl ˈvɪktəm tu ðə strits
Rest in peace young nigga, there's a Heaven for a "G"
rɛst ɪn pis jʌŋ nigga, ðɛrz ə ˈhɛvən fɔr eɪ "ʤi"
Be a lie, if I told ya that I never thought of death
bi ə laɪ, ɪf aɪ toʊld jɑ ðæt aɪ ˈnɛvər θɔt ʌv dɛθ
My niggas, we tha last ones left
maɪ niggas, wi tha læst wʌnz lɛft
But life goes on!
bʌt laɪf goʊz ɑn!
As I bail through tha empty halls
æz aɪ beɪl θru tha ˈɛmpti hɔlz
Breath stinkin' in my jaws
brɛθ ˈstɪŋkɪn ɪn maɪ ʤɔz
Ring, ring, ring
rɪŋ, rɪŋ, rɪŋ
Quiet y'all, incoming call
ˈkwaɪət jɔl, ˈɪnˌkʌmɪŋ kɔl
Plus this my homie from high school
plʌs ðɪs maɪ homie frʌm haɪ skul
He's gettin' bye
hiz ˈgɪtən baɪ
It's time to bury another brotha, nobody cry
ɪts taɪm tu ˈbɛri əˈnʌðər brotha, ˈnoʊˌbɑˌdi kraɪ
Life as a baller
laɪf æz ə ˈbɔlər
Alcohol and booty calls
ˈælkəˌhɑl ænd ˈbuti kɔlz
We usta do 'em as adolecents
wi usta du ɛm æz adolecents
Do you recall?
du ju ˈriˌkɔl?
Raised as G's
reɪzd æz ʤiz
Loc'ed out and blazed the weed
Loc'ed aʊt ænd bleɪzd ðə wid
Get on tha roof
gɛt ɑn tha ruf
Let's get smoked out
lɛts gɛt smoʊkt aʊt
And blaze with me
ænd bleɪz wɪð mi
2 in tha morning
2 ɪn tha ˈmɔrnɪŋ
And we still high assed out
ænd wi stɪl haɪ æst aʊt
Screamin' "Thug till I die"
ˈskrimɪn "θʌg tɪl aɪ daɪ"
Before I passed out
bɪˈfɔr aɪ pæst aʊt
But now that you're gone
bʌt naʊ ðæt jʊr gɔn
I'm in tha zone
aɪm ɪn tha zoʊn
"I don't wanna die all alone"
aɪ doʊnt ˈwɑnə daɪ ɔl əˈloʊn
But now ya gone
bʌt naʊ jɑ gɔn
And all I got left are stinkin' memories
ænd ɔl aɪ gɑt lɛft ɑr ˈstɪŋkɪn ˈmɛməriz
I love them niggas to death
aɪ lʌv ðɛm niggas tu dɛθ
I'm drinkin' Hennessy
aɪm ˈdrɪŋkɪn ˈhɛnəsi
While tryna make it last
waɪl tryna meɪk ɪt læst
I drank a 5th for that ass
aɪ dræŋk eɪ 5ˈtiˈeɪʧ fɔr ðæt æs
When you passed...
wɛn ju pæst...
Cause life goes on
kɑz laɪf goʊz ɑn
Yeah nigga
jæ nigga
I got tha word as hell
aɪ gɑt tha wɜrd æz hɛl
Ya blew trial and tha judge gave you
jɑ blu ˈtraɪəl ænd tha ʤʌʤ geɪv ju
25 with an L
25 wɪð ən ɛl
Time to prepare to do fed time
taɪm tu priˈpɛr tu du fɛd taɪm
Won't see parole
woʊnt si pəˈroʊl
Imagine life as a convict
ɪˈmæʤən laɪf æz ə ˈkɑnvɪkt
That's gettin' old
ðæts ˈgɪtən oʊld
Plus with tha drama
plʌs wɪð tha ˈdrɑmə
We're lookin out for your baby's mama
wir lookin aʊt fɔr jʊər ˈbeɪbiz ˈmɑmə
Taken risks, while keepin' cheap tricks from gettin' on her...
ˈteɪkən rɪsks, waɪl ˈkipɪn ʧip trɪks frʌm ˈgɪtən ɑn hɜr...
Life in tha hood...
laɪf ɪn tha hʊd...
Is all good for nobody
ɪz ɔl gʊd fɔr ˈnoʊˌbɑˌdi
Remember gamin' on dumb hotties at chill parties
rɪˈmɛmbər ˈgeɪmɪn ɑn dʌm hotties æt ʧɪl ˈpɑrtiz
Me and you
mi ænd ju
No truer two
noʊ ˈtruər tu
While schemin' on hits
waɪl ˈskimɪn ɑn hɪts
And gettin' tricks
ænd ˈgɪtən trɪks
That maybe we can slide into
ðæt ˈmeɪbi wi kæn slaɪd ˈɪntu
But now you buried
bʌt naʊ ju ˈbɛrid
Rest nigga
rɛst nigga
Cause I ain't worried
kɑz aɪ eɪnt ˈwɜrid
Eyes blurry
aɪz ˈbləri
Sayin' goodbye at the cemetary
ˈseɪɪn ˌgʊdˈbaɪ æt ðə cemetary
Tho' memories fade
ðoʊ ˈmɛməriz feɪd
I got your name tatted on my arm
aɪ gɑt jʊər neɪm ˈtætɪd ɑn maɪ ɑrm
So we both ball till my dying days
soʊ wi boʊθ bɔl tɪl maɪ ˈdaɪɪŋ deɪz
Before I say goodbye
bɪˈfɔr aɪ seɪ ˌgʊdˈbaɪ
Kato and Mental, rest in peace
ˈkeɪtoʊ ænd ˈmɛntəl, rɛst ɪn pis
Thug till I die
θʌg tɪl aɪ daɪ
Bury me smilin'
ˈbɛri mi ˈsmaɪlɪn
With G's in my pocket
wɪð ʤiz ɪn maɪ ˈpɑkət
Have a party at my funeral
hæv ə ˈpɑrti æt maɪ ˈfjunərəl
Let every rapper rock it
lɛt ˈɛvəri ˈræpər rɑk ɪt
Let tha hoes that I usta know
lɛt tha hoʊz ðæt aɪ usta noʊ
From way before
frʌm weɪ bɪˈfɔr
Kiss me from my head to my toe
kɪs mi frʌm maɪ hɛd tu maɪ toʊ
Give me a paper and a pen
gɪv mi ə ˈpeɪpər ænd ə pɛn
So I can write about my life of sin
soʊ aɪ kæn raɪt əˈbaʊt maɪ laɪf ʌv sɪn
A couple bottles of Gin
ə ˈkʌpəl ˈbɑtəlz ʌv ʤɪn
In case I don't get in
ɪn keɪs aɪ doʊnt gɛt ɪn
Tell all my people I'm a Ridah
tɛl ɔl maɪ ˈpipəl aɪm ə Ridah
Nobody cries when we die
ˈnoʊˌbɑˌdi kraɪz wɛn wi daɪ
We outlaws
wi ˈaʊtˌlɔz
Let me ride
lɛt mi raɪd
Until I get free
ənˈtɪl aɪ gɛt fri
I live my life in tha fast lane
aɪ lɪv maɪ laɪf ɪn tha fæst leɪn
Got police chasin' me
gɑt pəˈlis ˈʧæsɪn mi
To my niggas from old blocks
tu maɪ niggas frʌm oʊld blɑks
From old crews
frʌm oʊld kruz
Niggas that guided me through
Niggas ðæt ˈgaɪdəd mi θru
Back in tha old school
bæk ɪn tha oʊld skul
Pour out some liquor
pɔr aʊt sʌm ˈlɪkə
Have a toast for tha homies
hæv ə toʊst fɔr tha homies
See we both gotta die
si wi boʊθ ˈgɑtə daɪ
But ya chose to go before me
bʌt jɑ ʧoʊz tu goʊ bɪˈfɔr mi
And brothas miss ya while you're gone
ænd brothas mɪs jɑ waɪl jʊr gɔn
You left your nigga on his own
ju lɛft jʊər nigga ɑn hɪz oʊn
How long we mourn
haʊ lɔŋ wi mɔrn
Life goes on...
laɪf goʊz ɑn...
Life goes on homie
laɪf goʊz ɑn homie
Gone on, cause they passed away
gɔn ɑn, kɑz ðeɪ pæst əˈweɪ
Niggas doin' life
Niggas ˈduɪn laɪf
Niggas doin' 50 and 60 years and shit
Niggas ˈduɪn 50 ænd 60 jɪrz ænd ʃɪt
I feel ya nigga, trust me
aɪ fil jɑ nigga, trʌst mi
I feel ya
aɪ fil jɑ
You know what I mean?
ju noʊ wʌt aɪ min?
Last year
læst jɪr
We poured out liquor for ya
wi pɔrd aʊt ˈlɪkə fɔr jɑ
This year nigga, life goes on
ðɪs jɪr nigga, laɪf goʊz ɑn
We're gonna clock now
wir ˈgɑnə klɑk naʊ
Get money
gɛt ˈmʌni
Evade bitches
ɪˈveɪd ˈbɪʧɪz
Evade tricks
ɪˈveɪd trɪks
Give players plenty space
gɪv ˈpleɪərz ˈplɛnti speɪs
And basicaly just represent for you baby
ænd basicaly ʤʌst ˌrɛprəˈzɛnt fɔr ju ˈbeɪbi
Next time I see you niggas
nɛkst taɪm aɪ si ju niggas
We're gonna be on top nigga
wir ˈgɑnə bi ɑn tɑp nigga
They're gonna be like
ðɛr ˈgɑnə bi laɪk
"Goddamn, them niggas came up"
ˈgɑdˌdæm, ðɛm niggas keɪm ʌp
That's right baby
ðæts raɪt ˈbeɪbi
Life goes on...
laɪf goʊz ɑn...
And we up out this bitch
ænd wi ʌp aʊt ðɪs bɪʧ
Hey Kato, Mental
heɪ ˈkeɪtoʊ, ˈmɛntəl
Y'all niggas make sure it's poppin' when we get up there, man
jɔl niggas meɪk ʃʊr ɪts ˈpɑpɪn wɛn wi gɛt ʌp ðɛr, mən
Don't front
doʊnt frʌnt










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