cowboy bebap スクリーンプレイ 第20話

投稿者: Auther | 3 年, 6 ヶ月 前 | 0 のコメント








A dark night. A city on Mars. From the sky, a round man in a top hat with a cane lands in front of an black car surrounded by bodyguards protecting a man in a suit. The man in the top hat is known by some as Tongpu, a dreadful nightmare.


TONGPU: Hello, gentlemen. I have come to take your lives.



Session #20




A bar called "C'est la vie." Spike wins at a game of billiards.


Tongpu quickly kills the guards and the man they were guarding. Spike unsuspectingly enters the scene. Tongpu turns around and greets him.


TONGPU: Hello, boy.


He fires at Spike. Spike dodges and returns fire. His bullets bounce off Tongpu. Tongpu floats to Spike. Spike throws punches and Tongpu dodges them. He kicks Spike several times and points his gun at him with a grin. A cat meows on a fire escape. Tongpu goes berserk and fires at the cat. Spike finds a drum of fuel, rolls it to Tongpu and fires. He runs from the explosion. Tongpu emerges unscathed and throws a knife into Spike's shoulder. He fires a rocket at Spike. Spike dodges and falls into a river. Tongpu disappears.



Mars in the morning. Under a billboard.


BOB: Your partner sure is unlucky, Jet.


JET: Well, he wasn't all that lucky to begin with...


BOB: This case is especially bad. It would be better to not get yourselves involved in this one.


JET: I don't care, just answer me. Now.


BOB: I'm telling you this for your own sake, and if you get too involved in this, I'm gonna get in trouble too.


JET: You know, Bob... You're the only person I can rely on right now. I'll make sure it won't be bad for you. So -


BOB: Don't you say that every time? Really... you always have been a guy that likes to get into trouble... All right, this is only a rumor, but... have you heard of the name "Mad Pierrot?"



The Bebop living room. Spike is bandaged head to toe on the couch.


FAYE: There he is... the rumored mummy. So, I heard you got beaten up by some weird guy?


Spike mumbles.


FAYE: I recall you were sleeping like this once before. You really haven't shown any improvement... Oh well, it doesn't have anything to do with me.


Spike mumbles.


FAYE: Don't you end up in situations like that because you never behave? Well, I have nothing to do with it.


Spike mumbles.


FAYE: So, since I have nothing to do with it, if you'll excuse me... Take care.



Under the billboard.


BOB: The victim was a high-ranking guy from the ISSP. He was the seventh victim. What did you say? Can't blame ya. This is top secret. Apparently those higher-ups don't want the world to find out about this.


JET: Why?


BOB: Your partner is in deep trouble. The guy is a perfect killing machine. They say that nobody who has seen his face has made it out alive... Even those lucky enough to escape'll be tracked down to the ends of the world and they always wind up dead. They say he appears with a smile, and he leaves with a smile... Yeah, he is the mysterious  assassin known as Mad Pierrot... Tongpu.






Ed computer receives e-mail. Ein hears ringing and alerts Ed. Ed balances her computer on her head and walks to Faye with the messege.


ED: Faye-Faye! Puff, puff!. Faye-Faye! Puff, puff! Faye-Faye...


FAYE: Hey, you, can you stop saying my name twice like that?


ED: Faye-Faye, a weird mail came, came. Hey, hey, hey, hey!


FAYE: And I woulda been done if I had a little more time...


Ed dances around.


FAYE: I can't read it!


Faye grabs her head and holds it still. She reads the message.


FAYE: "Hello, boy. I'll invite you to a wonderful party..." Wait, this is... Listen, keep the fact that this mail came a secret from Spike.


ED: Secret? Why? Why secret?


FAYE: If we don't, that idiot -


Spike is behind her still bandaged.


SPIKE: - will run out to meet him?


ED: It's a secret, secret mail!


SPIKE: Space Land? Pretty considerate of him to hold the party there.


FAYE: You're gonna go like that? Well, it would be perfect if it was a masquerade.


SPIKE: Maybe this one really will be the end of me...


Faye stares at him silently.


SPIKE: Just kidding! Would you come rescue me if l said that?


FAYE: Idiot.


ED: Idiot, idiot, idiot!



Spike takes off in Swordfish.



Jet returns to Bebop.


JET: Hey... Oh, it's you, Ed. Where's Spike?


ED: He went somewhere.


JET: What? Not that this is anything new... That idiot...


ED: Idiot, idiot?


JET: Ed, I have a favor to ask.


ED: What, what?



A closed theme park in a crater on Mars. Space Land. Spike lands and hops out of Swordfish. He walks through the park in the darkness. Suddenly a light blazes on and he is greeted by Tongpu.


TONGPU: Hello! Welcome!


SPIKE: Yo...


Tongpu laughs maniacally.


TONGPU: Let's party!


The entire theme park lights up. Pierrot and Spike exchange gunfire. Spike enters the back of a ride. A projected cartoon character appears.


PROJECTION: You can't enter here! It's dangerous in here! Let's play outside! It's dangerous in here! Let's play outside!


SPIKE: Shut up!


PROJECTION: It's dangerous in here! Let's play outside! It's dangerous in here!


A fast penguin car slides down toward Spike.


PROJECTION: It's dangerous in here! Let's play outside!


Tongpu in a penguin car slides past Spike.




Tongpu fires a rocket at Spike.



The Bebop.


JET: All right, Ed... First, enter the ISSP's main computer, and look for section 13.


Ed searches on the internet.


ED: Aye, aye!


JET: That's... the section that doesn't exist to the general public. It's a pretty tall order... Can you do it?


ED: Yup!



Space land. Spike hides behind a pillar. He hears Tongpu's laughter. He spots him and fires, the bullets bounce off. A stuffed robot cartoon character walks toward Spike.


ROBOT: Hello!


Spike destroys it.



The Bebop.


ED: Found it!


JET: After you open it, find the file with the codename "Tongpu."


ED: Yup!



Space Land. A chain of explosions propel Spike to a roller coaster. Tongpu catches Spike with a whip. Tongpu throws an explosive at Spike. Spike falls from the roller coaster and into a body of water.



The Bebop. Ed hacks into the file.


ED: Peek-a-BOO!


A recording of experiments performed on Tongpu in a white room are shown. A cat with two different-colored eyes sits at the window of the room.


RECORDING: ISSP Assassination Ability Improvement Experiment. Experiment sample chart number 46. Codename: Tongpu. Confirmed a strong regression of the mind during the experiment. Experiment was canceled. Sample to be permanently kept in a quarantine facility.


JET: In the beginning, he escaped from the facilities to seek revenge but now he seems to be enjoying the actual act of killing. His mind must be continuing to regress... So he's like a child with superhuman fighting abilities. Really... There is nothing as pure and cruel as children...



Spike emerges from the water. Tongpu greets him.


TONGPU: It's show time!


Tongpu fires rockets at Spike. Spike dodges them. Suddenly Red Tail enters the scene. Faye fires a rocket at Tongpu.


SPIKE: That was unnecessary!


Tongpu dodges, and shoots down Red Tail. The explosion launches Spike crashing into a gift shop window. A robot cartoon character approaches Faye.


ROBOT: Hello, hello, hello, hello...


FAYE: Hello...


Tongpu approaches Spike. A small meowing toy cat falls from the display. Tongpu goes berserk, recalling the cat with two different-colored eyes and the experiments. Tongpu shoots the cat to bits. Spike runs onto the main road firing at Tongpu. Tongpu follows and shoots Spike's gun out of his hand. A parade of cartoon characters is about to run between them. Spike reaches into his back pocket and pulls a small knife. A beam of light from the parade crosses Spike's eyes. Tongpu sees Spike's eyes are different colors and pauses in fear. Spike tosses the knife and it hits Tongpu's right thigh. He collapses and writhes in pain, crying. The parade crosses.


TONGPU: T-That hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It HURTS! Hurts... Mommy, it hurts! MOMMY! It hurts... Mommy!


A giant robotic stuffed animal crushes Tongpu under its foot. Spike watches. Suddenly he receives a call.


JET: Spike! All right, we figured out what he is! He is -


SPIKE: No... I don't need it anymore... It all ended just now...











SPIKE: I knew there was something fishy going on lately.


FAYE: So that's what it was!


JET: What are you guys talking about?


SPIKE: You really can't judge people by their looks...


FAYE: Honestly disgusting.


JET: Hey, hey, what are you guys talking about?


SPIKE: I never thought it would be a teenage girl...


FAYE: It makes me despise him.


JET: Who are you talking about?


SPIKE: Next episode: "Boogie-Woogie Feng-Shui."


JET: I didn't do anything!


Next Session













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